Monday 23 April 2007

Review - Balmoral Royal Maduro Corona - 83/100

Balmoral is a typical Dominican cigar as far as i see it. The mild aroma with tender strength combined with the dark wrapper of this maduro cigar create a sophisticated and mellow pause in the midst of daily chaos.

The Corona is a perfect size for this kind of cigar, as a longer smoking session might make you numb for the sweet and soft arome. This cigar can be smoked on one stand but i prefer laying this baby down once in a while and sip for some other flavors in between lungfulls. This guarantees that the smooth flavor presents you with its best features.

Origin: Dominican Republic

Construction 17/20
Appearance 17/20
Smoke/Ash 8/10
Burn 18/20
Draw 18/20
Aroma 5/10 (4,5,5)


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